
Our radishes have gone through our stringent screening process to ensure that they are pesticide free and organic. We are committed to bringing our consumers the most sustainable, local and healthy vegetables which keeps the carbon footprint from food low.
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Are radish seeds healthy?

Yes, radish seeds are a good source of nutrients such as fiber, minerals, proteins, and vitamins, Radish seeds contain high levels of antioxidants and other important acids.
Radish seeds have several health benefits, such as they help in boosting the circulation of blood, promoting digestion, and decreasing fatigue. Radish seeds can also be used to cure migraines, headaches, hangovers, and sore throats. Radish seed contains oil that can be used to heal or soften dry and cracked skin.
Radish seeds can be used to detoxify which is important so that toxic wastes and free radicals can be eliminated in the body. They also have antioxidants that limit the activity of free radicals, which can damage cells
Radish seeds are also rich in calcium, which is very important for bone health.
In addition, it is important to note that radish seeds can have side effects such as allergic reactions, thyroid issues, and others if not taken in moderation.

What Are The Different Types Of Radish?

Radish is a type of vegetable that is quite popular and comes in many varieties. If you are new to using radish, here are some of the different types of radish.
· Red radish: Red radish is also known as Chery Belle radish and is without a doubt the most common variety of radish. It has a crisp white flesh and its skin is red in color. It is commonly eaten raw in salads or as a garnish.
· White radish: White radish is very common in Asian cuisine and it’s also known as Daikon radish. It is commonly used in stir-fries, stews, and soups.
· Watermelon radish: With a green and white outer layer and a bright pink interior that looks like a slice of watermelon, watermelon radish has a sweet and slightly peppery taste. It is commonly used as a garnish or in salads.
· Black radish: From its name, this radish has a black or dark brown skin but its flesh is white in color. It has a strong peppery flavor and can be grated into salads or used in pickling.
· Easter egg radish: This type of radish comes in different colors such as purple, white, red, and pink. It is often used as a garnish or in salads.
The above-mentioned types are not exhaustive. These are just a few examples. Please note that there are many other different types each with a unique taste and can be used in a variety of recipes based on your tastes and preferences.

Can Radish Be Frozen For Future Use?

While you can indeed freeze radishes for future use, it’s not recommended as their texture can become mushy and unpleasant after you unfreeze them. Consequently, freezing radish has the effect of making them lose some of their flavor and nutrients. With that said, if you have many radishes and would like to preserve them for future use, it is recommended that you resort to pickling them instead of freezing them. The reason for pickling is that pickled radish can be effectively stored in a refrigerator for a couple of months.