จากOrganic Village

เสาวรส ออร์แกนิค

By pcs



Passion fruit taste, well, fruity! And tart! They also have a strong and characteristic perfume.


Passion Fruit | 100% Organic | Farm Fresh

Passion fruit is an exotic fruit that is sweet and has a unique fragrance You can eat both the crunchy seeds and the juicy flesh!

we want you to try organic passion fruit Guaranteed freshness and 100% organic.

  • Its high vitamin C content helps skin look younger, reduces inflammation, boosts immunity, and more.
  • Vitamin A helps in cell regeneration and eye health. including boosting immunity
  • High fiber helps lower cholesterol levels and keep the colon healthy.
  • Contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, folate and magnesium. To help keep muscles, kidneys and heart healthy.


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Calories: 17 
Fiber: 2 g
Vitamin C: 9% Daily Value (DV)
Vitamin A: 8% Daily Value (DV)
Iron: 2 % Daily Value (DV) of
Potassium: 2% Daily Value (DV)



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